Exchange Trip to Cologne

15 students of Ahlcon International School, Delhi along with two teachers visited Europaschule, Cologne from 24 May to 9 June 2011 in lieu of student exchange programme. Earlier the students and teachers of Europaschule had visited Ahlcon international in October 2010. The indian students stayed with families of their german partners and experienced the german culture.They attended regular classes with their german partners and experienced the school system in Germany.The accompanying teachers also got a chance to observe various classes and learn about the german school system.Various excursions like sight-seeing in Cologne, Cruise at river Rhine, visit to famous Bonn Museum were also a part of the exchange. A trip to the capital city-Berlin was also planned as a part of the same where the participants experienced boat-ride through the entire city and also got a chance to visit the Parliament of Germany and understand the political system of Germany.The trip was a great learning experience for the students and they all came back with a bag full of memories.Both the schools are now looking forward to the upcoming combined project under the theme “Women in politics in 20th century- Sonia Gandhi and Angela Merkel’’ which will be also be sponsored by BOSCH Foundation to a certain extent.

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